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Here is an extended list of journal publications (or just go to to my google scholar page)

More Journal Publications: 

  • Clarke R, Smith KM, Escudero J, Ibañez A, Parra MA, Robust assessment of EEG connectivity patterns in mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease. Frontiers in Neuroimaging, 1, (2022). [link]

  • Smith KM, Starr JM, Escudero J, Ibañez A, Parra MA, Abnormal Functional Hierarchies of EEG Networks in Familial and Sporadic Prodromal Alzheimer's Disease During Visual Short-Term Memory Binding. Frontiers in Neuroimaging, 1, (2022). [link]

  • Yeung HW, Shen X,..., Smith KM, Whalley H,  Spectral Clustering Based on Structural Magnetic Resonance Imaging and its Relationship with Major Depressive Disorder and Cognitive Ability. European Journal of Neuroscience, 54(6): 6281-6303 (2021). [link]

  • Zhang H, Ferguson A ,..., Smith KM, Rannikmae K, Wu H,  Benchmarking network-based gene prioritization methods for cerebral small vessel disease. Briefings in Bioinformatics, bbab006 (2021). [link]

  • Valdes- Hernandez M, Smith KM, Bastin ME,  Amft N, Ralston SH, Wardlaw JM, Wiseman SJ Brain Network Reorganisation and Spatial Legion Distribution in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus. Lupus, 30(2): 285-298 (2021). [link]

  • Smith KM, Escudero J, Normalised Degree Variance. Applied Network Science, 5: 32 (2020). [link]

  • Smith KMOn Neighbourhood Degree Sequences of Complex Networks. Scientific Reports9: 8340 (2019). [link]

  • Tan C, Shen Y, Smith KM, Dong F, Escudero J, Gas-liquid Flow Pattern Analysis Based on Graph Connectivity and Graph-Variate Dynamic (GVD) Connectivity of ERT.  IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 68(5): 1590-1601 (2019). [link]

  • Quintero-Zea A, Lopez JD, Smith KM, Trujillo N, Parra MA, Escudero, J., Phenotyping Ex-Combatants from EEG Scalp Connectivity. IEEE Access, 6: 55090-55098 (2018). [link]

  • Smith KM, Abasolo D, Escudero J, Accounting for the Complex Hierarchical Topology of EEG Phase-Based Functional Connectivity in Network Binarisation. PLOS ONE,  12(10)e0186164 (2017). [link]

  • Smith KM, et al., Locating Temporal Functional Dynamics of Visual Short-Term Memory Binding using Graph Modular Dirichlet Energy. Scientific Reports,  7: 42013 (2017). [link]

  • Smith KM, Escudero J, The Complex Hierarchical Topology of EEG Functional Connectivity. Journal of Neuroscience Methods,  276: 1-12 (2017). [link]

Conference papers and abstracts:

  • Francis F, Blesa M, Smith KM, Luz S, Structural Connectome and Machine Learning for Alzheimer's Disease Detection. AAIC 2021, poster presentation (2021)

  • Yeung HW, Kafetzaki D, Swain A, Fagan WF, Daems D, Smith KM, The role of attractive and repulsive forces in generating stability on latent space social networksNetworks 2021, oral presentation (2021)

  • Yeung HW, Luz, S, Cox SR, Buchanan C, Whalley H, Smith KM, Pipeline comparisons of convolutional neural networks for structural connectomes: predicting sex across 3,152 participants. EMBC 2020 (2020) [link]

  • Yeung HW, Shen, X, …, Smith KM, Whalley H, Clustering based on sMRI and relationships with cognition, personality traits and depression. OHBM 2020 (2020)

  • Blesa M, Galdi P, ..., Smith KM*, Boardman JP*, Hierarchical complexity of the neonatal brain. ISMRM 2020 (2020)

  • Valdes-Hernandez M, Smith KM, Makin S, Armitage P, Gattringer T, Sudlow C, Escudero J, Wardlaw J, Spatio-temporal topology of the post-contrast signal enhancement in normal-appearing white matter 1-3 months post-stroke. Poster at European Stroke Organisation Conference 2019, Milan (2019) [link]

  • Smith KMValdes Hernandez M, Makin S, Armitage P, Sudlow C, Escudero J, Wardlaw J, Graph-variate signal analysis for detecting spatio-temporal correlates of the enhanced signal in normal-appearing white matter one month after a mild stroke. Oral presentation at Digital Image and Signal Processing 2019, Oxford (2019) [link]

  • Shen Y, Tan C, Dong F, Smith KM, Escudero J, Gas-water two-phase flow pattern recognition based on ERT and ultrasound Doppler. IEEE I2MTC 2018, Houston (2018) [link]

  • Smith KM, Escudero J, Weighted Complex Modular Hierarchy Model. Poster at Complex Networks, Book of Abstracts: 18-20, Milan (2016) [link]

  • Smith KM, Abasalo D, Escudero J, A comparison of the cluster-span threshold and the union of shortest paths as objective thresholds of EEG functional connectivity networks from Beta activity in Alzheimer's disease. Oral presentation at IEEE EMBC 2016, Florida (2016) [link]

  • Escudero J*, Smith KM*, Azami H, Abasalo D, Inspection of short-time resting-state electroencephalogram functional networks in Alzheimer's disease. Oral presentation at IEEE EMBC 2016, Florida (2016) [link]

  • Smith KM, Escudero J, Distinguishing EEG activity in Visual Short-Term Memory Tasks using Modular Dirichlet Energy. Poster at OHBM 2016 Annual Meeting, 2086, Geneva (2016) [link]

  • Smith KM, Azami H, Parra MA, Starr JM, Escudero J, Cluster-span threshold: An unbiased threshold for binarising weighted complete networks in functional connectivity analysis. Poster at IEEE EMBC 2015, Milan (2015) [link]

  • Smith KM, Azami H, Parra MA, Escudero J, Starr JM,  Comparison of network analysis approaches on EEG connectivity in beta during Visual Short-term Memory binding tasks. Oral presentation at IEEE EMBC 2015, Milan (2015) [link]

* equal contribution

 joint corresponding author

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